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Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus)![]() Ruffed Grouse, Horsefly Peninsula, Quesnel Lake, British Columbia Photograph by Alan And Elaine Wilson. Some rights reserved. (view image details) ![]() Ruffed Grouse, Horsefly Peninsula, Quesnel Lake, British Columbia Photograph by Alan And Elaine Wilson. Some rights reserved. (view image details)
DescriptionThe Ruffed Grouse is a stocky chicken-shaped bird. The male has a large dark neck ruff and crest, with two or more white spots on the rump feathers. The female has smaller crest and ruff, and only a single spot on the rump feathers. The plumage is mottled gray and brown with dark and light spots. The legs are well feathered. Size length 40cm - 50cm Environment woodlands, deciduous forests, forest clearings. Food Buds, leaves, ferns, fruit, acorns. Also some insects. Breeding The nest is shallow bowl in fallen vegetation on the ground, usually placed at base of a tree or rock. Lays seven to sixteen creamy buff eggs. (Eggs may have some reddish spots). Range central Alaska, most of Canada except the arctic regions, north western United States to Utah and northern California. Also found in eastern United States from New York state down to northern Alabama. Classification
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