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Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis)![]() Canada Lynx Photograph by US Fish and Wildlife Service. License: Public Domain. (view image details)
DescriptionThe Canada Lynx is usually yellowish-brown and sometimes has dark brown spots. The upper parts often have a grizzled gray appearance. The underside is pale buff color. The tail is short, often ringed, and has black tip. The fur on the body is long and thick. Ears are triangular and have tufts of black hear at tips. It has large furred paws. Size Head and body length: 67cm - 107cm. Tail length: 5cm - 13cm. Weight : 5kg - 17kg. Males are larger than females. Environment forests, rocky areas with cover, tundra Food Canadian lynx are carnivorous. Snowshoe Hares are important part of diet. Also eats rodents, birds and fish. In winter may feed on larger prey such as deer. Breeding Two or three kittens are born after gestation period of 8 -10 weeks. Litter size can be up to 5. Kittens weigh about 200g at birth. They start eating meat at one month of age, and are fully weaned after 5 months. Range Canada, and parts of United States including western Montana and neighbouring parts of Idaho, Washington. Also small populations in New England, Utah. Classification
Relatives in same Genus Bobcat (L. rufus) Wild Cats of the World Did you know there are about 40 species of wild cats in the world. You can see most of them at www.wotcat.com Home | Mammals | Reptiles | Birds | Insects | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Contact Us |