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Richardson's Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus richardsonii)![]() Richardson's Ground Squirrel, Medicine Hat, Alberta. Photograph by Elron6900. Some rights reserved. (view image details)
DescriptionRichardson's Ground Squirrel is brown along the back and tan underneath. The tail is short and not bushy like some other ground squirrels. Size Total body length: 26cm - 34cm. Tail length: males 6cm - 9cm. Weight: up to 745g. average 340g Environment open plains, savanna, grassland. Richardson's Ground Squirrel build complex burrows about 7.5cm in diameter and from 3.5m - 15m long. The burrows can be 1m - 2m deep and have about 8 entrances. Food seeds, nuts, grains, bulbs, leaves, insects Breeding The females prepares a nest chamber in a burrow to rear the young. A litter of 6 - 8 young is born after a gestation period of 23 - 31 days. The young are weaned at 4 to 6 weeks of age. Range central Alberta and western Montana to western Minnesota Classification
Relatives in same Genus Uinta Ground Squirrel (S. armatus) California Ground Squirrel (S. beecheyi) Belding's Ground Squirrel (S. beldingi) Idaho Ground Squirrel (S. brunneus) Columbian Ground Squirrel (S. columbianus) Wyoming Ground Squirrel (S. elegans) Franklin's Ground Squirrel (S. franklinii) Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (S. lateralis) Arctic Ground Squirrel (S. parryii) Spotted Ground Squirrel (S. spilosoma) Round-tailed Ground Squirrel (S. tereticaudus) Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel (S. tridecemlineatus) Rock Squirrel (S. variegatus) Home | Mammals | Reptiles | Birds | Insects | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Contact Us |