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Nelson's Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni)![]() Albino Nelson's Milksnake Photograph by WilliamKF. Some rights reserved. (view image details)
DescriptionNelson's Milk Snake is red with triple bands of black-white-black. The red bands are similar width to the combined width of the black and white triple bands. The white band is very thin. It is similar in appearance to the Sinaloan Milk Snake which has much broader red bands. The underside is cream or white (?). The head has a light snout with dark flecks. Size length to 107cm Environment Semi-arid coastal thorn scrub and inland tropical deciduous forests. Found near watercourses, including irrigation channels. Food eats birds, small rodents, lizards, amphibians, and other snakes, including venomous snakes. Breeding Female lays 10 to 14 eggs. Hatchlings are 20cm - 25cm long Range found in Mexico from southern Guanajuato and central Jalisco to the Pacific Coast. Also found in north western Michoacán and on the Tres Marias Islands. Notes Nelson's Milk Snake is non-venomous and harmless to humans. It is commonly bred in captivity, and a popular pet snake. Albino and high red forms are bred. Classification
Relatives in same Genus Gray-banded Kingsnake (L. alterna) Prairie Kingsnake (L. calligaster calligaster) Mole Kingsnake (L. calligaster rhombomaculata) California Kingsnake (L. getula californiae) Florida Kingsnake (L. getula floridana) Eastern Kingsnake (L. getula getula) Speckled Kingsnake (L. getula holbrooki) Desert Kingsnake (L. getula splendida) Mexican Kingsnake (L. mexicana mexicana) Mexican Milk Snake (L. triangulum annulata) Pueblan Milk Snake (L. triangulum campbelli) Scarlet Kingsnake (L. triangulum elapsoides) Honduran Milk Snake (L. triangulum hondurensis) Sinaloan Milk Snake (L. triangulum sinaloae) Red Milk Snake (L. triangulum syspila) Milk Snake (L. triangulum triangulum) San Diego Mountain Kingsnake (L. zonata pulchra) Home | Mammals | Reptiles | Birds | Insects | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Contact Us |