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Rosy Boa (Lichanura trivirgata)Rosy Boa Photograph by Trisha M Shears. License: Public Domain. (view image details) Rosy Boa Photograph by Shane O. Pinnell. Some rights reserved. (view image details)
DescriptionThe Rosy Boa is a stocky snake with smooth scales and a blunt tapered tail. The body is gray, cream, tan, yellowish or white with three dark stripes running along the back and sides. The stripes are tan, rose or reddish-brown. The underside is cream or gray with dark flecks. The head is slightly wider than the neck. Males have small spurs on each side of the vent. Size length 40cm - 110cm Environment arid scrubland, semi-arid shrubland, rocky desert, canyons, rocky areas, stream margins. Food eat mainly small mammals such as rats, mice, young rabbits. Sometimes eat birds and lizards. Breeding Live-bearing. Young are born between October and November. Range The Rosy Boa is found in California , Arizona, and north west Mexico in Baja California and Sonora. Notes The Rosy Boa is a harmless docile snake and not prone to biting. They are popular reptile pets, and are frequently bred in captivity. There are numerous color variations available, including albinos. Classification
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